Date: Friday, April 3, 2020; 10:00am – 5:00pm. Registration open until April 17, 2020.
Sliding Scale: $0 – 108. Code LG1D20.
Note: The average cost per person, per day to Spirit Rock to offer a program is $160.
New! Online Only: We are now offering this program online only, via Livestream so you may join us remotely. Once registered, you will receive instructions and a Livestream link. We invite you to try this creative form of practice as we navigate the unfolding of the Coronavirus situation. We are continuing to respond by evolving our practices and policies to keep everyone safe and supported, while still serving as a place of refuge and honoring our community’s commitment to the Dharma and sangha.
Description:Steady mindfulness practice allows us to hold any disruption to our well-being with more awareness and acceptance. Steady self-compassion practice allows us to meet our sorrows and struggles with more care and courageous action. Steady training of resilience allows us to cope more skillfully with any disappointment, difficulty, even disaster.
Together, we’ll learn tools and techniques drawn from contemplative traditions, relational psychology, and modern neuroscience to help us transform any adversity into learning and growth. In this day, we’ll practice the skills that reliably help heal stress and trauma, and deepen wisdom and well-being, together in community.
Please note, CE Credits are no longer available for this program. If you paid for CE credits you may receive a refund, an open credit for a future program, or donate the CE credit fee portion. Please email us at