Date: Friday, May 22, 2020; 10:00am – 5:00pm. Registration open until 9:00am day of the event; unless it fills prior to this time.
Sliding Scale: $45 – 200. Code DR2D20.
Note: The average cost per person, per day to Spirit Rock to offer a program is $160.
Description:Connecting our meditation practice with our speech and communication is one of the main ways to bring spiritual values further into our everyday lives. In this day retreat, we will support this intention by integrating periods of sitting and walking meditation with talks, communication exercises, and discussion. We will focus on:
• The fundamental teachings of the Buddha on wise speech;
• Cultivating mindfulness during both speaking and listening; and
• Learning how to practice wise and compassionate speech in challenging situations—such as when there are intense emotions, when there is conflict, or when there are difficult interpersonal or group dynamics.