Interview with Chris Young-Ginzburg + Waking Hour Episode 003

For Episode 003 of the Waking Hour Webcast we interview local Bay Area healer and intuitive guide, Chris Young-Ginzburg. Chris has worked for 2 decades providing intuitive readings and healings for people both in person and over the phone. Having worked closely with her, I have personal found a greater sense of self and deeper appreciation for my own life journey with her insight. As a new mother her time is valuable, so she has started to offer guided meditation courses to allow people to have on-demand support during this often challenging time. We caught up with her post video interview, and here are a few nuggets of wisdom she has shared.

What inspired you to start offering these online meditations and what can we expect to see as your website grows?

What inspired me to offer the guided meditations was the pandemic. Since most people cannot get to a practitioner and with me also being a new Mom with little time to offer my healing practices in group settings or one on one, I thought it was a great opportunity to teach people how to heal themselves through guided meditation. I know the personal value of being able to heal myself through certain techniques and felt guided and inspired to share what I practice.

I have been going through all my personal techniques and training that Ive gotten and shared with other clients over the years and am now offering them to anyone in need via my new website. I know that a lot of people are in great need of support and felt that this was the best way that I could give back to anyone during such uncertain times.

As my website grows I will be offering a lot more guided meditations to continue to heal the body, mind, spirit, emotions and also to learn psychic tools.

2. Life feels so overwhelming to people these days, with the inundation of hard-to-digest and fear-laden news. Any suggestions for navigating information right now?

Always trust YOUR OWN guidance. There is SO much information "out there" regarding what is or is not happening, from the news to conspiracy theroies. A good question to ask yourself when in fear about something seeking an answer, ask yourself, "If I were to actually KNOW the answer, what would it be?". That is something that I ask myself quite often when I am pondering something. 

I have personally stayed away from watching too much news and adapt the personal motto, "I will know what I need to know when I need to know it.". And with that motto, I get new articles sent to me when I need to or other people sharing with me the news that is most relevant to me. 

3. How can people connect to their own intuitive guidance system?

First and foremost, understand that we're ALWAYS connected to our intuitive guidance system. It may become "clouded" by life journeys, trauma or other things that can wear you down but I believe you're always connected to your truth. 

I would recommend journaling about what your intuitive guidance system is to you. Everyone has their own definitions of what that is and I find that when you take the time to find out what it means to you, that helps connect to it even more. 

Write down how you already believe you are intuitive. How does it show up? How were you not connected to it too? 

Then, the more you acknowledge it, the more you are aware of how you already are connected to it.

4. Are there any practices or teachers you recommend for others to explore right now?

I love Lee Harris. He has great, free monthly energy updates via youtube. I also listen to astrologers. One in particular is Nadia Shah.

One teacher in particular that I've been following for years is Bashar (channeled by Darrel Anka). He's now offering monthly talks online via his website He's really helpful, insightful and really practical.

5. What are some easy self-care practices to use for grounding oneself during this pandemic?

Go outside. Listen to music you love. Dance. Sing. Play as often as you can. Garden. Learn a new talent that you never knew you had. Reach out to your neighbors. Get to know them. 

Remember that this is all for the better. It's all happening for a reason and we all chose to be here at this time. We are energy pioneers! We're doing some HARD work here. Remember to pat yourself on the back - you're doing really deep work. And breathe! Breath really anchors us into the moment. 

Brittany Tilleman