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Introduction to Insight Meditation


Date: Sunday, May 31, 2020; 10:00am – 4:00pm.
Sliding Scale:
 $45 – 200. Code HC2D20.

CE credit availability is pending due to online programming & COVID situation. CE fees will be in addition to program fees.
Note: The average cost per person, per day to Spirit Rock to offer a program is $160.

ONLINE: Spirit Rock’s programs are now offered online only. Our sliding scale options include financial support for our teachers. We invite you to try this creative form of practice as we take care of one another and respond skillfully to COVID-19.

Description:This day of silent insight meditation is an invitation to strengthen in ourselves the noble qualities of mindfulness and friendliness. Cultivating a relaxed, kind, and curious attention to our moment-to-moment experience, we can recover our natural peace, clarity, wisdom, and compassion. This capacity to pay attention in the present moment enables us to connect with ourselves more intimately and directly, understand the causes of both suffering and happiness, and discover our natural freedom and ease. Instructions for both sitting and walking meditation will be offered, along with time for questions.

All levels of experience welcome!